School Clubs
Primetime is our afterschool program. There is an annual fee of $65. The standard weekly fee is also $65. However, we offer a sliding scale fee to parents whose income level is less than $30,000/per year. More Information:
Primetime Coordinator: Jamilia Wood 470-254-6100
Saturday School
Fulton County Schools Purpose
The Elementary and Middle School Extended Learning provides additional time and a strategic focus on learning for students who cannot achieve their academic goals in reading and mathematics during the regular school day. The targeted students are those who are not meeting grade level expectations on formative and summative assessments in reading and/or math. Our major objective is to strengthen the students' reading and mathematics skills so that they will be better learners demonstrated, in part, by scoring proficient during Georgia Milestones spring testing.
Palmetto Elementary School Selection Standard
Our Eagles are selected by scoring level 3 on GMAS for grade levels 3-5. Our Eagles are also selected by scoring on-level or above on i-Ready diagnostic in reading or math. Starting February 29, 2020 Saturday school will be offered to grade level 2 students. Currently we have 6 dedicated teachers servicing 72 students during Saturday school in Literacy and Math.